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Visualization and regulation of plant hunger and uptake signals
for root to shoot communication

New field research unit, FY2022-2025

We will focus on the “Hunger signals,” which are signals that convey hunger from root to shoot, and the “Uptake signals,” which are signals that promote nutrient absorption from shoot to root, to clarify the molecular mechanism of flexible adaptation to nutrition deficiency stresses through communication between the roots and shoots.

Our project

Plants grow by absorbing nutrients from the soil using vascular that are stretched throughout plant bodies. However, when nutrients are scarce, “How do plants sense hunger and uptake nutrients ?” is still largely unknown. In this research unit, we will focus on the “Hunger signals,” which are signals that convey hunger from root to shoot, and the “Uptake signals,” which are signals that promote nutrient absorption from shoot to root, to clarify the molecular mechanism of flexible adaptation to nutrition deficiency stresses through communication between the roots and shoots. We aim to create a new academic discipline that analyzes and controls plant stress on an unprecedented cross-sectional scale, from molecules to individuals, and from individuals to environment.


Ryo Tabata

Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University

Designated lecture

(2024- Meiji University

Associate Professor)


Yoko Mizuta

Institute of Transformative

Nagoya University

Assistant Professor



Shunsuke Oishi

Institute of Transformative  Bio-Molecules,
Nagoya University

Designated Assistant Professor


Deep imaging reveals dynamics and signaling in one-to-one pollen tube guidance


Yoko Mizuta, Daigo Sakakibara, Shiori Nagahara, Ikuma Kaneshiro, Takuya T. Nagae, Daisuke Kurihara, Tetsuya Higashiyama

EMBO Reports (2024)


Regulation of the iron-deficiency response by IMA/FEP peptide


Ryo Tabata

Frontiers in Plant Science (2023)


Target pollen isolation using automated infrared laser-mediated cell disruption


Ikuma Kaneshiro, Masako Igarashi, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Yoko Mizuta

Quantitative Plant Biology (2022)


Chemical synthesis of the EPF-family of plant cysteine-rich proteins and late-stage dye attachment by chemoselective amide-forming ligations


Nandarapu Kumarswamyreddy, Ayami Nakagawa, Hitoshi Endo, Akie Shimotohno, Keiko U. Torii, Jeffrey W. Bode, Shunsuke Oishi

RSC Chem. Biol. (2022)

DOI: 10.1039/d2cb00155a

Chemical synthesis of Torenia plant pollen tube attractant proteins by KAHA ligation

スクリーンショット 2022-07-07 15.19.11.png

Deep fluorescence observation in rice shoots via clearing technology


Yoko Niimi, Keisuke Nagai, Motoyuki Ashikari, Yoko Mizuta

J. Vis. Exp. (2022)

DOI: doi: 10.3791/64116

Systemic Regulation of Iron Acquisition by Arabidopsis in Environments with Heterogeneous Iron Distributions


Ryo Tabata, Takehiro Kamiya, Shunpei Imoto, Hana Tamura, Kumiko Ikuta, Michika Tabata, Tasuku Hirayama, Hironaka Tsukagoshi, Keitaro Tanoi, Takamasa Suzuki, Takushi Hachiya, Hitoshi Sakakibara

Plant Cell Physiol. (2022)

DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcac049

令和4年度 若手新分野創成研究ユニット 「根と葉をつなぐ植物空腹・指令シグナルの可視化と制御」

Visualization and regulation of plant hunger and uptake signals for root to shoot communication, New field research unit. All Rights Reserved. 

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